Which Forex Pair Moves The Most Daily?

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Key Takeaway:

  • The forex trading market is a highly volatile market, and the currency exchange rates fluctuate daily. To make a profit, Forex traders need to identify which currency pairs move the most daily.
  • Several factors affect the forex market, including economic indicators, central bank policies, and political conditions. Traders can use these indicators to determine currency pair movements.
  • The top forex pairs that move the most daily include AUD/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, NZD/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/CHF, GBP/JPY, CHF/JPY, GBP/CHF, AUD/JPY, CAD/JPY, NZD/JPY, AUD/NZD, EUR/GBP, GBP/AUD, CAD/CHF, AUD/CHF, EUR/AUD, EUR/CAD, EUR/NZD, GBP/CAD, GBP/NZD, NZD/CAD, NZD/CHF, AUD/CAD, CAD/SGD, USD/DKK, USD/NOK, USD/SEK, USD/HKD, USD/MXN, USD/CNH, USD/ZAR, USD/TRY, USD/SGD, and USD/THB. Traders should carefully monitor these pairs and their movements to maximize profits.

Factors that Affect the Forex Market

Factors That Affect The Forex Market - Which Forex Pair Moves The Most Daily?,

Photo Credits: forexbrokerreport.com by Zachary Gonzalez

Gaining knowledge of the forex market is essential. You must comprehend the factors that impact it. Economic indicators, central bank policies, and political conditions are all to be taken into consideration when trading in forex. This section will cover all these topics, with keywords to help guide you. We will explain the importance of economic indicators, the power of central bank policies, and the effects of political conditions.

Importance of Economic Indicators in Forex Trading

Investors and traders in Forex markets keenly follow economic indicators for trading strategy purposes. These indicators reflect regional or global news events and data that can impact currency prices. Fundamental analysis using these indicators is an essential approach to predicting price movements in Forex markets, supporting traders to predict potential currency direction. Technical analysis comes into play as traders combine both fundamental and technical analyses to assess market trends.

If you thought your ex’s mood swings were unpredictable, wait till you see the impact of central bank policies on the forex market.

Role of Central Bank Policies in Forex Market

Central Banks play a vital role in shaping the forex market. The monetary policies set by Central Banks affect currency prices and hence reflect in the forex markets. These policies drive investors’ risk appetite, impacting market sentiment.

Monetary policy decisions of central banks are one of the primary factors that determine exchange rates. When a central bank takes an expansionary monetary policy stance – lowering interest rates or increasing money supply, this boosts investment and spending resulting in increased risk appetite and ultimately higher demand for currency, increasing its value.

On the other hand, when a central bank tightens its monetary policy stance by raising interest rates, it drives up borrowing costs, leading to lower investment and reduced economic activity. This results in lower demand for currency and leads to its depreciation.

To manage risks effectively while trading forex markets, traders must understand the role of Central Bank policies and how they shape exchange rates.

Pro Tip: Always keep an eye on Central Bank meetings and key speeches as they can be critical triggers for significant movements in the forex markets.

Trading forex without considering politics is like playing chess without your queen.

Impact of Political Conditions on the Forex Market

The economy of a country is significantly affected by the political conditions prevalent in the region. Political stability or instability directly impacts the forex market as it influences the flow of investments and trade relations with other nations. A sudden change in government policies or political unrest can cause volatility within the forex market, resulting in fluctuations in currency prices and affecting traders’ trading strategy.

Furthermore, political uncertainty often leads to investors seeking safe-haven currencies like USD, JPY or CHF while reducing demand for riskier assets such as emerging market currencies. Therefore, traders should keep an eye on political conditions and related news to understand how these events might affect their trading positions.

Pro Tip: Incorporating economic indicators that provide information on GDP, inflation rates and balance of payments helps traders understand a country’s overall economic health. By keeping track of these indicators alongside political developments, traders can make informed decisions on their trading strategy.

Highly-traded forex pairs are like your ex – they can be liquid, volatile, and have a high trading volume, but some are more popular than others.

Characteristics of Highly-Traded Forex Pairs

Characteristics Of Highly-Traded Forex Pairs - Which Forex Pair Moves The Most Daily?,

Photo Credits: forexbrokerreport.com by Bobby Perez

The forex market is highly liquid and volatile. Traders prefer highly-traded forex pairs that have high trading volume and include major, minor, popular, and exotic currencies. Here are the characteristics of these currency pairs in terms of their liquidity, volatility, and trading volume:

Currency Pairs Liquidity Volatility Trading Volume
EUR/USD High Low High
USD/JPY High Low High
GBP/USD High High High
USD/CHF High Low High
USD/CAD High Low High
AUD/USD High High High
NZD/USD High High High
EUR/JPY High High High
GBP/JPY High High High
AUD/JPY High High High

In addition to liquidity, volatility, and trading volume, other unique features of highly-traded forex pairs include their correlation with other markets and their sensitivity to economic indicators and geopolitical events. Traders should keep these factors in mind when selecting forex pairs to trade.

Pro Tip: Always monitor economic releases and news events that could impact the forex market as they can affect highly-traded forex pairs differently.

Top Forex Pairs that Move the Most Daily

Top Forex Pairs That Move The Most Daily - Which Forex Pair Moves The Most Daily?,

Photo Credits: forexbrokerreport.com by Roy Harris

Want to know which currency pairs move the most daily? To understand, you must know about currency fluctuations, bid-ask spread, and currency correlations. Trading with these pairs has its perks. We’ll look at 32 pairs. Some of them are: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, and USD/CHF. These pairs will be explained by their keywords: resistance levels, high-frequency trading, economic indicators, etc.


The Forex Pair with the highest daily movement is a widely popular currency pair known for its volatility. It is the most traded forex pair in the world, consisting of two major currencies: a developed European economy and a dominant American economy. The immense impact it has on global finance makes it essential for investors to keep an eye on this highly profitable currency pair.

Currency Name Euro (EUR) United States Dollar (USD)
Nickname Fiber Buck
Trading Hours (GMT) 12:00 AM-10:00 PM 1:00 AM-11:00 PM
Pip Value per Lot (Standard) $10 for EUR/USD lots $10 for USD/EUR lots

EUR/USD‘s movements are dictated by resistance levels, support levels, trend analysis, and price action. Endless market events create potential market volatility which results in lucrative profits along with risks involved. Fundamental factors such as central bank policies, political issues, and economic indicators have a significant impact on this particular currency pair.

Don’t miss out on capitalizing on this exciting opportunity! Stay up-to-date with political and economic trends that affect this volatile currency pair to make the most of your trading activity.

Buckle up high-frequency traders and algorithmic traders, with its impressive liquidity, USD/JPY is the rollercoaster ride you’ve been looking for.

(Source: DailyFX)


The USD/JPY forex pair is a key trading vehicle in global financial markets due to its prominent place in the foreign exchange market. This currency pair is widely traded by both retail and institutional traders due to its high liquidity, which makes it suitable for high-frequency and algorithmic trading strategies.

USD/JPY has historically been influenced by a range of fundamental factors such as macroeconomic data releases from both the US and Japan, central bank policies, and geopolitical events that affect the broader financial landscape. This makes it an ideal candidate for traders looking to capitalize on short-term price movements driven by news flow and sentiment shifts.

One unique characteristic of USD/JPY is its sensitivity to risk-on/off sentiment, with rising equity prices positively correlating with higher USD/JPY rates. As a result, traders often monitor not only economic indicators but also equity indices when tracking this currency pair.

In terms of liquidity, the USD/JPY forex pair is among the most actively traded instruments globally, with deep order books offering ample opportunities for market participants to enter or exit positions at any given time. High liquidity also translates into narrow bid-ask spreads, which helps reduce transaction costs for investors.

Finally, algorithmic trading has become a key component of USD/JPY trading volume in recent years. With advancements in technology and infrastructure supporting faster data transfer speeds between major financial centers such as New York and Tokyo, algorithmic trading strategies have grown more sophisticated and profitable than ever before.

A story comes to mind about how market liquidity impacts the USD/JPY during times of geopolitical stress. Following North Korea’s missile test in late November 2017, the yen briefly spiked against the dollar as investors sought safe-haven assets amid heightened tensions in East Asia. However, this movement was short-lived as algorithmic traders quickly stepped in to buy dollars at lower levels while others capitalized on the spike in volatility through options trades that benefited from an impending reversal in the exchange rate. This highlights the importance of market liquidity and how it influences prices, particularly in times of heightened uncertainty.

When it comes to GBP/USD, economic indicators, news events, and market sentiment can turn this pair into a real rollercoaster ride.


The currency pair consisting of the British pound and the US dollar is one of the most actively traded pairs in the Forex market. The GBP/USD pair is influenced by a multitude of factors, including economic indicators such as GDP, inflation rates, and employment data. News events like Brexit negotiations can also have a significant impact on this pair’s value. Additionally, market sentiment towards both the UK and US economies can affect GBP/USD price movements.

As one of the most popular Forex pairs to trade, GBP/USD offers excellent liquidity, high volatility, and large trading volumes. With consistent price fluctuations that traders can take advantage of every day. In terms of technical analysis, GBP/USD typically displays well-defined trends and long-term patterns.

Notably, during significant political or economic events like Brexit voting or COVID-19 pandemic situations globally, this pair has experienced sudden shifts in trading range in close correlation with other crosses involving Sterling and American dollars.

Research conducted by Forexlive shows that GBP/USD was significantly impacted by Brexit outcomes since 2016 till 2020 resulting in record falls during March 2020 to below 1.14 levels which were not hit since mid-1985 for almost thirty-five years with absolutely new lows throughout various timeframes.

If oil prices crash, USD/CAD dash; but if Canadian economic indicators flop, USD/CAD won’t stop.


The pair commonly known as “Loonie” is one of the major currency pairs traded in forex, consisting of the US dollar and the Canadian dollar. Here are some key details about this much-talked-about forex pair.

Category Data
Symbol USD/CAD
Liquidity High
Volatility Moderate to high
Trading volume High

Apart from the general factors that affect forex markets, such as economic indicators, central bank policies, and political conditions, there are some unique aspects of USD/CAD worth noting. Unlike other major currency pairs with high correlations to global events or monetary policies set by big economies, oil prices play a crucial role in the performance of CAD. Thus fluctuations in oil prices can lead to sharp movements in USD/CAD. Additionally, traders tend to look at Canadian economic indicators closely for signs of potential changes in Bank of Canada’s monetary policy.

For traders looking to invest or trade in heavily-traded forex pairs, USD/CAD might be highly appealing given its high liquidity and trading volume. However, it is essential for traders not to overlook underlying market dynamic factors that affect these pairs’ prices. Do not miss out on potential opportunities due to lack of understanding and conduct appropriate research before taking any decisions.

Why did the AUD/USD cross the road? To get to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s interest rate announcement on the other side.


The forex pair consisting of the Australian Dollar and the United States Dollar is a widely traded currency pair for several reasons. The Reserve Bank of Australia has a significant impact on the Australian Dollar’s value, making it a crucial factor influencing the AUD/USD exchange rate. Moreover, movements in various Australian economic indicators such as GDP, employment rates, and inflation can have a considerable impact on this forex pair.

As with other highly-traded forex pairs, AUD/USD boasts high liquidity, volatility, and trading volume. These characteristics make it ideal for traders who want to take advantage of intraday price spikes or capitalize on long-term trends. The pair’s popularity stems from its ability to reflect global market sentiment accurately.

Unique details about AUD/USD include Australia’s reliance on commodity exports; therefore, fluctuations in commodity prices can significantly affect this currency pair’s value. Additionally, political instability in either country can lead to volatile exchange rates.

To fully leverage potential gains in trading AUD/USD or any other currency pair. There is a need to understand its unique properties and take advantage of economic indicators and central bank policies affecting its value. Hence why it is essential to keep up with daily developments in Australia’s economic landscape.

Don’t miss out on potential profits by overlooking the importance of keeping tabs on the Reserve Bank of Australia’s monetary policy decisions or vital Australian economic indicators that could sway the AUD/USD exchange rate.

Swiss National Bank keeps investors on their toes, making USD/CHF the rollercoaster ride of the forex world.


The currency pair consisting of the United States’ Dollar and Switzerland’s Franc experiences significant fluctuations in its exchange rate. This is due to various economic and political factors affecting both countries, such as interest rates, inflation, and central bank interventions. The USD/CHF pair’s volatility results from the Swiss National Bank’s monetary policies in response to currency movements, along with the US Federal Reserve’s decisions.

Moreover, a unique aspect of the USD/CHF pair is that it exhibits a negative correlation with the EUR/USD currency pair. When the EUR/USD weakens, traders often buy the USD/CHF to hedge against potential losses. Contrarily when the EUR/USD strengthens, traders often sell off their USD/CHF holdings. The pair also benefits from high liquidity due to its popularity among traders.

In addition to this correlation feature, what sets USD/CHF apart is its resistance to sharp market shifts experienced by other currencies. During times of global economic turbulence or heightened geopolitical uncertainty, one can see heightened stable behaviour within this currency pairing.

A true statement regarding USD/CHF is that in 2015 following a change in policy setting by SNB which removed CHF pegs causing an abrupt strengthening of CHF leading to speculation and devaluation of some investors accounts.

(Source: Economic Times)

Five Facts About Which Forex Pair Moves the Most Daily:

  • ✅ The EUR/USD pair is the most traded currency pair in the world, and as a result, it often moves the most daily. (Source: Investopedia)
  • ✅ Other highly traded currency pairs that move a lot daily include USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and USD/CAD. (Source: DailyFX)
  • ✅ The forex market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week, providing ample opportunities for daily movements. (Source: IG)
  • ✅ Daily forex movements are affected by a variety of factors, including economic news releases, geopolitical events, and central bank announcements. (Source: Forex.com)
  • ✅ The volatility index, or VIX, can be used to gauge market movements and help traders identify potential opportunities. (Source: E*TRADE)

FAQs about Which Forex Pair Moves The Most Daily?

Which forex pair moves the most daily?

The forex market is extremely dynamic and the value of currencies in the market changes frequently. Currently, the most traded currency pairs in the market are called majors, which include EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, and NZD/USD. Out of these, the most volatile forex pair is USD/JPY, which moves an average of 70 to 100 pips daily due to the Bank of Japan’s monetary policies and the US-China trade relations.

How does buying and selling affect the value changes of forex pairs?

The value of a currency pair in the forex market fluctuates based on the buying and selling activities of traders. When more traders are buying a currency than selling, the demand for the currency increases, and the value of the currency increases as well. Conversely, if more traders are selling than buying, the demand for the currency decreases, leading to a decline in its value.

What are some of the most traded currency pairs in the forex market?

The forex market has several traded currency pairs. The most popular currency pairs are majors, which are the most liquid and widely traded pairs. Some of the major currency pairs include EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, and NZD/USD. These pairs make up over 85% of the forex market volume, and they represent the largest economies in the world.

What is a reserve currency?

A reserve currency is a currency that is held in significant quantities by governments and institutions worldwide for international trade purposes. Currently, the US dollar is the world’s primary reserve currency because of the global economic situation and the strength of the US economy.

What are some essential technical analysis tools for forex trading?

Technical analysis is a methodology used to analyze financial instruments’ price movements and forecast future trends based on past price action. Some of the most essential technical analysis tools for forex trading include trend lines, support and resistance levels, moving averages, and candlestick patterns.

How do commodities affect forex trading opportunities?

Commodities like gold and oil have a significant impact on forex trading opportunities, specifically on the currencies of countries that are major producers of these commodities. For instance, if the price of gold increases, the strength of the currency of a gold-producing country like Australia is likely to rise as well.

Phoebe Hall

I started investing and got involved with the money markets around 2019. This isn't a full time job for me, more so a hobby and an industry I'm incredibly passionate about. Alongside speculating within the markets, I write content financial blogs in the industry.

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