Why Does MT4 Say Invalid Account?  

Few things are as frustrating as booting up MetaTrader 4Opens in a new tab.

Why does MT4 say invalid account, you wonder? 

Well, it turns out there are a couple of different reasons this error code may be returning – all of which you’ll need to be able to troubleshoot, resolve, and move past if you’re going to get back into Forex with MT4.

The MetaTrader 4 ‘Invalid Account’ error message can mean range of different errors are taking place. Most commonly, it will indicate that either the market is paused, server information is wrong or your account has not be correctly configured by your brokerage firm.

Why Does MT4 Say Invalid Account? 

As highlighted a moment ago, there are a couple of different reasons that MT4 may return the “Invalid Account” error code. 

We highlight the most common reasons below.

1. Market is Paused 

This one gets a lot of new MT4 traders as well as a lot of Forex veterans. 

When the market pauses on Saturday through Sunday evening you aren’t going to be able to access the MT4 tools you’d use to place trades – because the market isn’t available for trading in the first place! 

If you are getting “invalid account” error codes on Saturday and early Sunday this is probably the reason. 

2. Server Info is Inaccurate 

Another common reason you might see this error code is because the server number that you were using to log into the account is inaccurate. 

A server number is going to be provided to you from your broker, but sometimes there are typos or sometimes different servers get mixed up. If that’s the case here your credentials could be correct but you still wouldn’t be able to access the server because it is incorrect.

3. Account Hasn’t Been Activated 

It’s not hard to get excited and eager about jumping into the Forex world, especially when you create your new account. 

If that account hasn’t been approved (and if supporting documentation hasn’t been verified) you’re not going to be able to login right away, though. The delay will take as long as it takes your broker to confirm these details – but that’s usually not any longer than a day or two. 

4. Outdated MT4 Trying to Gain Access 

MT4 is regularly updated by the folks behind MetaTrader and you need to be running the latest version to gain access to all these trading tools. 

Do not skip any MT4 updates. That will instantly lock you out of this platform until the updates are done. 

5. Credentials are Incorrect 

Double check that your credentials are spelled correctly, that anything that needs to be capitalized has been capitalized, and that your password is good to go. 

Account Hasn’t Had Activity for 90 Days 

If your MT4 account hasn’t had any activity on – including just a login and logout – it will automatically be blocked until you have your broker open it back up for you.

How to Fix MT4 Saying Invalid Account 

As annoying as the Invalid Account error code is, luckily, it’s a 5 minute fix! Try these steps below to get your error resolved in a few minutes…

1. Confirm Internet Connection 

The first thing you’ll want to do to fix the “Invalid Account” issue is to double check that your internet connection is on, stable, and secure. 

2. Confirm Login Credentials 

After that, you’ll want to confirm your login credentials are accurate. 

3. Reset Password 

If you still aren’t able to get into your MT4 account, and are still getting the Invalid Account error code, you may have to go through the process of resetting your password or your credentials. I have a quick guide on how to reset a MetaTrader 4 passwordOpens in a new tab.

4. Contact Support for Further Help 

Should you still be unable to access your MT4 installation it might be a good idea to get a hold of your broker customer support team.

They’ll be able to walk you through the step-by-step process for getting this resolved.

In Summary – What Does The MetaTrader 4 ‘Invalid Account’ Error Mean?

In conclusion, the Invalid Account Error on Metatrader 4 is a broad error that can be caused by several reasons. The most common being; markets are paused, server info is inaccurate, account hasn’t been activated or your credentials are incorrect. If you’re still having trouble logging in after trying these methods, we recommend contacting customer support for further help.

Did this guide help? If you’re still having issues, please drop a comment down below and we will try to assist further.

Kyle Townsend

Kyle Townsend is the founder of Forex Broker Report, an experienced forex trader and an advocate for funding options for retail forex traders.

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