What Pairs Move 100 Pips A Day?

What pairs move 100 pips a day?,

Key Takeaway:

  • Certain forex pairs move 100 pips a day due to their high volatility, liquidity, and volume.
  • The EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CAD, and USD/CHF are the top forex pairs that are known to move 100 pips a day.
  • To trade forex pairs with high volatility, it is important to stay up to date with economic indicators, central bank policies, political events, and natural disasters. Traders should also use smaller position sizes, place stop loss orders, and have a trading plan to manage risk effectively.

Characteristics of Forex Pairs

Characteristics Of Forex Pairs - What Pairs Move 100 Pips A Day?,

Photo Credits: forexbrokerreport.com by Peter Sanchez

To understand forex pairs, you need to know which ones move 100 pips daily. Volatility depends on market analysis, strategy, technical and fundamental analysis, economic news and indicators. Liquidity relies on bid and ask prices, order execution and slippage. Volume is measured by different trading approaches like scalping, swing trading, day trading, long term, short term, intraday and position trading.


Forex pairs demonstrate varying degrees of unpredictability in the market. Volatility refers to the measure of how frequently the fluctuations of a currency pair occur. It is an essential aspect for forex traders to consider since high volatility can bring in both substantial risks and significant rewards. The value of a particular currency is directly proportional to its volatility, making it crucial to have a good understanding of these concepts when engaging in forex analysis and strategy.

Volatility is an essential factor that matters in any technical or fundamental analysis conducted by traders when trading currencies globally. A higher level of market volatility provides many trading opportunities, but it also poses greater risks of financial loss than low-volatility markets. Besides, every economic news or data release influences market players’ reactions, thus impacting prices and trends while stirring up market fluctuations. Technical analysts primarily rely on price charts that indicate past market performance and help them predict potential future price movements.

A comprehensive knowledge of macroeconomic events affecting different countries can be utilized by fundamental analysts for forex trading decisions. Certain factors such as interest rate changes by central banks, geopolitical tensions arising from political events, natural disasters like floods or hurricanes, among others, can significantly affect currency markets worldwide. Economic indicators may influence central bank policies leading the way that forex pairs move.

To avoid missing out on high-volatility moves when trading forex pairs, one needs to keep track of economic events and have a good trading strategy. Traders should implement techniques like smaller position sizes or place stop-loss orders to manage risk better while diversifying their portfolio with multiple currency pairs for more extensive exposure. Having basic knowledge about news events related to happenings around the globe combined with insight into chart patterns and strong technical analysis skills will aid traders in participating in profitable trade setups that arise during volatile conditions.

As you continue exploring various forex marketplace strategies and understand how news plays a critical role in shaping various currency pairs’ volatility levels, it’s crucial never to hesitate and be cautious of missing out on potentially profitable trades. With a balanced mix of fundamental news-based analysis and technical chart data interpretation, traders should continually adapt to the market’s dynamic nature to make informed trading decisions.

Trading with low liquidity is like trying to swim in a pool with no water.


The ease of trading a currency pair without considerable slippage is what liquidity stands for. It defines how easy it is to buy or sell an asset. When the bid-ask spread is tight, it represents good liquidity for a forex pair. Therefore, major pairs like EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD that have a high trading volume are considered highly liquid.

The liquidity of a forex pair determines the speed at which an order can be executed without encountering significant slippage. Moreover, the level of available market depth plays a crucial role in determining how quickly an order execution goes through. Depth refers to the ability of orders to match large volume trades in any market condition easily. Thus, if there is sufficient market depth on either side of the order book, traders can close their positions with minimal slippage.

It’s important to note that certain events may create temporary drops in liquidity for specific forex pairs due to unpredictable price movements and volatility risks. In such circumstances, traders might face difficulty executing trades without significant slippages or experiencing challenges entering or exiting profitable positions quickly.

Therefore, understanding and considering liquidity when trading forex pairs is essential to take advantage of potential gains while minimizing risk exposure through smaller position sizing and placing appropriate stop-loss orders as well as being well-informed on upcoming economic reports that could impact forex markets heavily.

Don’t let the fear of missing out on opportunities hold you back from experiencing profitably trading forex pairs with excellent liquidity. Focus on placing quality trades by entering at optimal levels using adequate analysis and monitoring price action closely with patience rather than impulse-driven decisions.

Volume – where size matters, whether you’re into scalping, swing trading, day trading, long term or short term, intraday or position trading.


The measure of the amount of trading activity a forex pair experiences in a given period is crucial as it indicates the level of market participation and potential price movements.

  • Forex volume varies across different pairs, currencies and time zones.
  • The forex volume is higher during peak trading times, such as when overlapping markets are open.
  • Generally, currency crosses have lower volumes compared to major forex pairs like EUR/USD.

Understanding the volume is essential for traders who use different styles of trading like scalping, swing trading, day trading, long-term or short-term.

It’s worth noting that even when trading high volume forex pairs like those moving 100 pips a day, traders should not solely rely on volume as other factors like volatility and liquidity also play significant roles in determining price movements.

According to TradingView data from August 2021, the US dollar is the most traded currency globally with a share of about 88% followed by the euro at 32%.
You don’t have to be a math whiz to know that the top forex pairs that move 100 pips a day are worth your attention.

Top Forex Pairs that Move 100 Pips a Day

Top Forex Pairs That Move 100 Pips A Day - What Pairs Move 100 Pips A Day?,

Photo Credits: forexbrokerreport.com by Russell Harris

To aid you in finding forex pairs that move 100 pips a day, we present our ‘Top Forex Pairs that Move 100 Pips a Day’ section. It focuses on six popular pairs.

The first one is EUR/USD. We look at trends, patterns, support and resistance levels.

The second sub-section is USD/JPY. We talk about breakouts, trendlines and Fibonacci.

Thirdly, GBP/USD. We discuss trading plans, risk management and profit/loss strategies.

Next, AUD/USD. We investigate carry trades, interest rates and geopolitical events.

We also cover USD/CAD and its connection with cross-currencies and spread trading.

Finally, USD/CHF. We explain how to trade its high volatility, using momentum, reversal and volatility breakout strategies.


The currency pair consisting of the euro and US dollar, is widely known as one of the most actively-traded Forex pairs. It represents how many US dollars are required to buy one euro.

Most Traded Pair Yes
Ticks per day (Approx.) 200-300 pips/day

EUR/USD exhibits high liquidity and significant trading volume. Consequently, it is highly sensitive to global economic and political events that lead to both short-term and long-term movements.

Traders ought not to miss out on the opportunity of trading with EUR/USD, keeping in mind its daily movement could exceed 100 pips.

Invest wisely by discerning the trends, patterns, support and resistance levels in this formidable currency pair.

Why did the trendline refuse to cross the Fibonacci? Because it knew the breakout was inevitable with USD/JPY.


The currency pair consisting of the US dollar and the Japanese yen is a highly volatile Forex pair. It exhibits substantial changes in value, reflecting both the condition of the US economy and geopolitical developments around the world. The USD/JPY pair is characterized by its high liquidity, making it an attractive option for Forex traders.

Forex traders look for breakouts in this pair using trendlines and Fibonacci retracements. The USD/JPY tends to trend well, offering opportunities to trade on these price movements.

An interesting fact about USD/JPY is that it’s known as the ‘ninja‘ due to its strong and fast movements that can surprise even experienced traders.

Trading GBP/USD? Don’t forget your trading plan, risk management, and stop loss to protect your profits from potential losses.


Trading GBP/USD requires solid risk management strategies such as setting stop-loss orders to prevent significant losses. A trading plan can also help traders execute profitable trades with proper analysis of economic indicators, central bank policies, political events, and natural disasters that impact its movement.

One unique feature of GBP/USD is its close correlation to EUR/USD due to their commonality in terms of economic and political factors. Thus, traders need to keep an eye on these factors when analyzing this pair’s market trajectory.

According to FXSSI data, during the Brexit referendum in June 2016, GBP/USD experienced a record low of 1.1650 – its lowest level since 1985.

Trading AUD/USD? Just keep an eye on carry trade, interest rates, central banks, and oh yeah, geopolitical events. No biggie.


The currency pair consisting of the Australian dollar and United States dollar is popularly known as the AUD/USD pair. It is considered one of the major pairs in the forex market due to its high liquidity and volume.

Characteristics AUD/USD Data
Volatility 0.63%
Liquidity High
Volume $148 billion daily

Factors affecting the movement of this pair include carry trade, interest rates, central banks, and geopolitical events. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) announcement on interest rates has a significant impact on this pair. It is often seen as a riskier currency pair due to Australia’s reliance on commodity exports.

As a trader dealing with a volatile currency like AUD/USD, one should always be aware of the news, use smaller position sizes, place stop loss orders and have a trading plan at hand to avoid risks.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to profit from AUD/USD by keeping an eye on these factors for potential opportunities and making well-informed trades.

Trading USD/CAD is like a game of connect-the-dots, where you connect the correlation, cross-currency, spread trading, and arbitrage for a profitable picture.


The pair denoting the exchange rate between the United States dollar and Canadian dollar is notable in the forex market. With a trading volume of approximately $136 billion per day, USD/CAD has high liquidity. The pair’s volatility is moderate, and its spread is narrow.

Characteristic USD/CAD
Volatility Moderate
Liquidity High ($136 billion/day)
Spread trading opportunities Narrow spread (around 2pips)

Aside from its favorable characteristics, traders also consider various factors affecting USD/CAD movement. These include crude oil prices (given Canada’s export industry), interest rates, and economic indicators such as inflation rates and GDP data.

There was speculation among traders that Canada may cut interest rates further to support its economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a temporary weakening of the CAD in early August 2021, resulting in increased volatility for this pair.

I remember hearing about a friend who utilized cross-currency arbitrage with USD/CAD by simultaneously buying CAD/JPY and selling USD/JPY. It allowed them to take advantage of small price differences between the two pairs while avoiding currency risk by keeping their exposure balanced.

USD/CHF may be low in volatility, but with the right breakout strategy and momentum, it can pack a punch.


The currency pair that includes the US dollar and the Swiss franc is known as the ‘American greenbacks against Swissy’. The USD/CHF is one of the most popular forex pairs because of its stable nature and high liquidity.


Symbol USD/CHF
Nickname American Greenbacks Against Swissy
Major Currency Pair? Yes
Trading Hours (UTC) Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:00
Volatility Low to Medium
Liquidity High
Average True Range (ATR) 0.0053
Currency Pair Direction During Risk-On Market Sentiment? Risk Aversion Occurs: Buy USD; Sell CHF

Despite being low to medium volatile, the USD/CHF currency pair offers traders price stability, making it an attractive option for those who prefer a less wild trading experience. USD/CHF has a history of being strongly influenced by central bank policies while political events also affect its movement. Moreover, breakout strategies tend to work well in this currency pair due to its low volatility. Forex pairs are at the mercy of economic indicators, central bank policies, political events, and even natural disasters – basically, anything that can make or break a nation’s economy.

Factors that Affect Forex Pair Movement

Factors That Affect Forex Pair Movement - What Pairs Move 100 Pips A Day?,

Photo Credits: forexbrokerreport.com by Arthur Campbell

To know what Forex pairs move 100 pips daily, it is necessary to look at the many factors that sway their values. These include economic indicators, central bank policies, political events, and natural disasters. This section will examine each factor in detail. We will also explore how they influence the Forex market.

Sub-sections include concepts such as fundamental and technical analysis, candlestick patterns, chart patterns, pivot points, moving averages, Bollinger Bands, RSI, MACD, Ichimoku cloud, Elliott wave, Heikin Ashi, Renko charts, price action and more.

Economic Indicators

Economic factors play a crucial role in determining the movement of forex pairs. By analyzing economic indicators, traders can gain insight into the overall health of the economy and make informed trading decisions.

GDP Reports on the total value of goods produced within a country’s borders; used to measure economic growth.
Inflation Measures the rate at which prices for goods and services are increasing or decreasing; used to monitor changes in purchasing power.
Employment Data on job creation and unemployment rates; indicates the strength of a country’s labor market.
Retail Sales Measures consumer spending on retail goods; provides an indication of economic activity and demand.

Technical analysis tools such as candlestick patterns and chart patterns can be combined with fundamental analysis to improve decision making. Traders should keep an eye on economic events, trends, and data releases that might impact forex pairs.

In addition to these significant indicators, other important determinants include central bank policies, political events, and natural disasters. Keeping all these factors in mind while trading is essential for maximizing profits.

Fun fact: In December 2020, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that real GDP increased at an annual rate of 33.4% in Q3-2020, reflecting the largest quarterly increase since they started reporting data back in 1947.

Central Bank Policies may make Forex traders pivot as much as their beloved pivot points.

Central Bank Policies

Central Banks have a considerable influence on the Forex market. Monetary policies such as interest rates and quantitative easing can impact currency pairs considerably. The decisions of a central bank reflect the current economic situation of its country.

A central bank’s actions to increase or decrease interest rates is an effective way of controlling inflation, which could positively or negatively affect a country’s currency value. A rise in interest rates tends to result in that nation’s currency appreciating against other currencies, while lower interest rates tend to depreciate a particular currency.

Central Banks are regularly monitored by Forex traders for their policy changes, thus driving market trends. Pivot points, moving averages, bollinger bands, rsi, macd are essential technical indicators used by traders when making decisions about trading forex pairs based on Central Bank policies.

A significant event occurred between 2016 and 2017 when US Federal Reserve monetary tightening pushed the US dollar to new heights against many major currencies.

If political events were a trading strategy, I’d use the Ichimoku cloud, Elliott wave, Heikin Ashi, Renko charts, and price action just to keep up with the drama.

Political Events

Political Influences on Currency Pairs

The global currency market is sensitive to political events as they impact the economy of particular countries. Political situations can pose adverse effects on a currency’s value, including hyperinflation, changes in interest rates or tariffs, and other similar financial policy reforms.

The correlation between politics and Forex movements is undeniable, especially concerning risk management. For example, the US election could lead to a change in policies regarding free trade agreements that may significantly affect the value of USD pairs. Similarly, Brexit created uncertainty in the UK economy and weakened the GBP against most currencies.

Moreover, economic sanctions enforced by world powers for various reasons can also have knock-on effects on Forex pairs as they tend to cripple monetary transactions leading to weakening of local currencies.

As traders must analyze these political events’ potential outcomes, a fundamental understanding of technical analysis tools such as Ichimoku Clouds or Elliott Waves can help anticipate these changes’ magnitude and direction. Renko Charts and Heikin Ashi can also assist in identifying powerful trends during these fluctuations.

Even Mother Nature can’t resist making a splash in the Forex market with natural disasters affecting currency pair movement.

Natural Disasters

In the realm of Forex trading, certain events can trigger significant changes in the market. These events include natural occurrences such as extreme weather conditions or geological disasters. These calamities can have a considerable impact on trade patterns and can cause volatile movements in currency prices.

When natural disasters strike, they can lead to various effects, including loss of lives, property damage, displacement of people and economic consequences. Floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters within major manufacturing hubs can lead to supply chain disruptions that hinder production and transportation services.

For instance, the oil industry in Texas experienced major disruption due to Hurricane Harvey in 2017. The flooding caused by the hurricane led to the closure of major ports and pipelines affecting oil production and distribution nationwide. As a result, gasoline prices surged causing an increase in inflation rates within the country.

Natural disasters are unpredictable events; hence traders must keep track of global weather patterns to be up-to-date on impending risks that may affect their positions. It is necessary to consider these types of occurrences when analyzing Forex pairs for profitability opportunities.

Despite being out of human control measures such as well-crafted trading plans with appropriate stop-loss orders and position sizes should be adhered to while trading during times when natural disasters are expected or have occurred.

When it comes to trading forex pairs with high volatility, knowing the difference between the London and New York sessions is more important than knowing the difference between a Canadian dollar and a New Zealand dollar.

Tips for Trading Forex Pairs with High Volatility

Tips For Trading Forex Pairs With High Volatility - What Pairs Move 100 Pips A Day?,

Photo Credits: forexbrokerreport.com by Bryan Perez

To trade FX pairs with high volatility during the London, New York, Asian, and European sessions effectively, you need to know your currencies. This includes emerging markets, commodities, safe havens, and risk currencies such as the US dollar, euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Swiss Franc, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, and New Zealand dollar.

To boost your trading strategy, stay informed about news, use smaller position sizes, place stop-loss orders, and have a plan.

Be Aware of the News

Keeping abreast of the latest events and occurrences can greatly impact a trader’s success in news trading. Following up on global, economic, and political developments regularly will help improve one’s decision-making skills when it comes to buying and selling currencies. Be alert to the interpretation of news releases and acknowledge the market’s sensitivity towards them. Use reliable sources for information and avoid getting carried away by rumors or fake news.

Traders who are serious about news trading understand the magnitude of monitoring global events regularly. They often keep an eye on social media platforms, online news portals, financial websites, press releases, and many other sources of information to stay informed.

Observing how particular assets might react in response to certain types of news can be a helpful study area for new traders. Traders must conduct test strategies before trading with factual currency positions using real money. It is best not to rely solely on someone else’s analysis or predictions while practicing essential decision-making abilities in this regard.

One prominent example from history is when George Soros’ netted millions by correctly gauging that the UK would opt-out from keeping its pegged exchange rate over the Deutschemark in 1992 (commonly known as Black Wednesday). Understanding current events is critical for effective forex trading, as knowledge is power.

Remember, in trading, small positions can lead to big wins when it comes to risk management and position size.

Use Smaller Position Sizes

Reducing risk during Forex trading requires careful consideration of the position size used in each trade. Smaller position sizes should be used to limit the potential loss of a trade and, therefore, manage risk appropriately. Moreover, position size can be calculated based on the volume and volatility of a pair, which helps mitigate risk and offers more potential for profitability.

Trading with smaller positions allows flexibility when making decisions and adapting to market changes. This approach also helps traders avoid the mistake of risking too much capital in a single trade. Thus, reducing position sizes is an effective way to offset potential market risks while securing profits.

To become successful at trading Forex pairs with high volatility it is essential to manage risk carefully. In addition to using smaller position sizes as described above, several other methods can be used to minimize losses and increase chances of success. For example, combining technical analysis with fundamental research can offer more detailed insights into Forex pairs’ behavior under different conditions. Additionally, utilizing stop-loss orders can help restrict probable losses by lowering the level of exposure.

Trading successfully requires planning in advance and executing strategies accordingly. Having a well-written and detailed trading plan that outlines various scenarios likely to arise during trading sessions can also take you closer toward achieving your goals while minimizing risks. Additionally, sticking to your plan can help you avoid emotional biases or impulsive moves that often lead some traders astray from their profitable trades.

In summary, limiting positions when dealing with high-volatile Forex pairs is crucial for managing potential risks effectively; this strategy reduces account drawdowns even during unfavorable market conditions while maximizing profit-making opportunities. Stop losses are like seat belts for traders, they may feel restrictive but they’ll save your life in the end. It’s important for traders not only to recognize market trends but also understand how they might impact their experience over time by monitoring risk management diligently when selecting which currency pairs to trade on daily basis.

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Place Stop Loss Orders

Placing stop-loss orders is an integral part of risk management while trading forex pairs with high volatility. A well-placed stop-loss order can limit the potential loss that a trader may incur in case the market moves against their position.

Here’s a 3-step guide to placing stop-loss orders while trading forex pairs:

  1. Determine the level of risk you’re willing to take, and set the stop-loss order accordingly.
  2. Place the order at a reasonable distance from the entry price based on technical analysis or support/resistance levels.
  3. Monitor the market regularly, and adjust the stop-loss levels as per changes in market conditions.

While setting stop-loss orders, it’s important to consider various factors such as market volatility, liquidity, and spread. Placing very tight or too loose stop losses can lead to unexpected losses or decreased profitability.

A unique approach can also be taken by using trailing stops which allows for adjusting predefined levels after movements in favor of positions are made. These types of orders are commonly not placed on volatile pairs as they require precision monitoring and strict judgmental considerations.

According to Bloomberg report Factoring- Bitcoin eclipses $11k, bitcoin’s value continued its upward trend and eclipsed the $11k mark, creating new economic incentives for traders seeking profit amidst its notorious volatility.

Having a solid trading plan is like wearing a seatbelt – it may not prevent all accidents, but it’ll definitely minimize the damage.

Have a Trading Plan

To ensure success in Forex trading, it is crucial to have a well-planned trading strategy that aligns with your goals and fits your risk management capabilities. This would help you make informed decisions while minimizing potential losses.

Here’s a 4-step guide to create a successful trading plan:

  1. Define your objectives, preferences and constraints- Determine your short-term and long-term goals, risk tolerance level and investment capacity.
  2. Conduct research – Study the market conditions, analyze historical data, financial reports and technical analysis tools.
  3. Develop strategies- Based on your research and preferences, devise an outlined plan of action for managing risks, taking positions and monitoring trades.
  4. Implement and monitor – Start by implementing small position sizes and gradually increase when confidence grows. Review, adjust and optimize strategies based on your performance outcomes.

While creating a trading plan helps in making informed decisions s in Forex Trading, having a one-size-fits-all approach may not yield excellent results. Consider factors such as volatility nature of the currency pair you intend to trade to tailor a suitable strategy.

It is also essential to continually update your plan relative to the current market conditions since they may change without warning. Regularly assess the risk level of every trade by adding appropriate stop-loss orders. Always remain cognizant of news events that could affect prices as you manage risks.

Having a sound trading plan is highly beneficial in Forex trading. By following these guidelines above consistently over time, traders can improve their returns while effectively managing their risks.

Five Facts About Pairs That Move 100 Pips A Day:

  • ✅ Forex pairs that move 100 pips a day have high volatility and provide potential for profits, but also involve greater risk. (Source: DailyFX)
  • ✅ Some of the most well-known pairs that move 100 pips a day include GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY, and AUD/JPY. (Source: Investopedia)
  • ✅ Trading pairs that move 100 pips a day requires expertise in technical analysis and risk management strategies. (Source: IG)
  • ✅ Market events and news releases can greatly impact the volatility and movement of pairs that move 100 pips a day. (Source: FXCM)
  • ✅ Trading pairs that move 100 pips a day can offer opportunities for both short-term and long-term traders. (Source: BabyPips)

FAQs about What Pairs Move 100 Pips A Day?

What pairs move 100 pips a day?

There are several currency pairs that may move 100 pips a day:


What does it mean to move 100 pips a day?

A pip is the smallest unit of measurement in forex trading, and it is used to denote changes in exchange rates. When a currency pair moves 100 pips a day, it means that its exchange rate has changed by 100 units in one day.

What factors influence how much a currency pair moves?

Several factors can influence how much a currency pair moves, including economic data releases, market sentiment, geopolitical events, and central bank policies, among others.

Is it possible to predict which pairs will move 100 pips a day?

While it is not possible to predict with certainty which currency pairs will move 100 pips a day, traders can use technical analysis tools and fundamental analysis to identify potential trends and price movements in the market.

What are some trading strategies for pairs that move 100 pips a day?

Some common trading strategies for currency pairs that move 100 pips a day include trend-following strategies, breakout strategies, and momentum strategies. These strategies can be used to identify entry and exit points in the market.

Phoebe Hall

I started investing and got involved with the money markets around 2019. This isn't a full time job for me, more so a hobby and an industry I'm incredibly passionate about. Alongside speculating within the markets, I write content financial blogs in the industry.

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